What is my IP? Find your IP address directly here


Everyone who uses internet has an IP address. You can compare it with your home address, but then digitally. Without an IP address you cannot use internet, because the websites you visit will not know where to send the desired information. Your I.P contains a lot of information: this virtual postal address can be used to determine your location and it is also linked to your provider. Many people see this as an invasion of their privacy therefore they choose to change the IP through a VPN service. Keep in mind, however, that your location is approximate, as it uses public databases. Internet providers and government agencies, on the other hand, do have the option of finding your exact address. So, are you maybe wondering: what happens to my IP address and what is actually my IP address? Then keep on reading! If you want to know more about VPN then go to: What is VPN? 

What is my IP address?

Below we explain step by step how to find the IP address in Windows, Mac (OSx), Android and iPhone (iOS). 

What is my IP address and where can I find it in Windows?

  • Press the Windows key and “R”.
  • Type here “cmd” and press enter.
  • Now type “ipconfig” and press enter (“ipconfig” does not start? Then first type “cd \ windows \ system32” and then press enter. Then type “ipconfig” again and press enter.)
  • Behind IPv4 you will find the I.P. address of your tablet, desktop or laptop.

 What is my IP address and where can I find it on Mac (OSx)? 

  • Choose the Apple menu in the menu bar, then press “system preferences” and then “network”.
  • Select ethernet for a wired connection or select wifi or airport for a wireless connection.
  • Behind “Status connected” you will find the I.P. address of your Mac or MacBook

What is my IP address and where can I find it on Android? 

  • Make sure you are connected to your network.
  • Then use one of the following three options to find your I.P:

– Go to “Settings”, then select “About phone” and then “I.P. address”.

– Go to “Settings” and then use the search box to search for I.P.

– Go to “Settings”, then select “System”, “Device info”, “Status” and “I.P address”.

What is my IP address and where can I find it on iPhone (iOS)?

  • Make sure you are connected to your network.
  • Go to “Settings” and then to “Wi-Fi”.
  • Select your Wi-Fi network (with the check mark in front).
  • Here you see your I.P address.

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