Workforce Australia Providers: What You Need To Know


The Australian government is investing in a cutting-edge, creative, adaptable, and targeted employment service that will benefit both people and companies while revolutionising how employment services are provided.

Workforce Australia, the new employment service that includes employment and skills services provided by the government, went into operation on July 4, 2022.

Workforce Australia will connect businesses with individuals and a refreshed network of providers to deliver intensive and individualised case management to support those with more complex needs. Workforce Australia will assist Australians in finding and maintaining employment, changing careers, or creating work.

The service will come with a brand-new digital platform where people and companies may interact and handle their hiring requirements. Clients will be the main focus of all Workforce Australia’s activities. Workforce Australia employment service will provide straightforward, well-supported, interconnected, and polite services.

What Exactly Is Workforce Australia?

The Australian government uses Workforce Australia to increase the number of Australians in employment. It is provided through a network of Workforce Australia providers in more than 1700 sites all around Australia and links job searchers with companies. They have the freedom to modify this service to meet your needs as your supplier. They know how to prepare you for work, match the best job seeker with the best company, and navigate the local labour markets.

What Services Are Provided By Workforce Australia?

Workforce Australia employment service aids your job search and readiness. If you require more assistance than what digital services can provide, you may be assigned to enhanced services, which are essentially more specialised assistance.

To help you get ready to start looking for a job, this personalised support may include exercises, group learning, interview preparation, computer aid, and other practical assistance. Additionally, you receive help finding and retaining a job when your circumstances change.

Additional assistance from Workforce Australia providers includes:

  • career counselling, mentorship, and training
  • work experience, career placements, and follow-up assistance
  • help acquire the equipment and abilities you need to land and retain a job. (These services may include training, work-related certifications, help with moving, and other work-related matters.)
  • programmes that provide micro-credentials and skills in addition to work-like experiences
  • notifying one another of your commitments and searching for work

Workforce Australia employment services providers will provide customised case management to anyone who requires additional help or wants to use the services offered. Providers of employment services will:

  • Work directly with companies to hire qualified candidates to fill open positions while securing stable employment for more persons on their caseload.
  • Build solid relationships in the community and provide individualised and intense case management through reduced staff-to-caseload ratios.

Workforce Australia will implement a new provider licensing system and performance framework to promote quality services, deliver employment outcomes, and reward high-performing providers.

Workforce Australia Employment Services: Who Are They?

When the programme launches on July 1, a Workforce Australia provider will offer assistance to job searchers and eligible jobless individuals. With their help, job searchers can access various services and activities based on their unique requirements and objectives. They will provide all services to assist job seekers in finding, applying for, beginning, and maintaining suitable employment.

The following Workforce Australia providers have been chosen to assist Workforce Australia Services and other programmes:

  • Career Transition Assistance
  • Employability Skills Training
  • ParentsNext
  • Self-Employment Assistance
  • Specialist Services for CALD (Culturally and Linguistically Diverse) job seekers
  • Specialist Services for Indigenous Australians
  • Transition to Work

The degree of help and eligibility for each programme is determined by the location and circumstances of the participant.

What Makes Workforce Australia Different?

Workplace Australia Online will have your information if you are jobless and looking for work. You may access your account starting on July 4 using the Workforce Australia app or the new website.

Use your current jobactive account information to log in. Your information will be in your new Workforce Australia Online account, along with a copy of your most recent Job Plan for your reference.

Using this platform, you can:

  • Conduct your employment search and fulfil your reporting obligations at work.
  • Enrol in online courses to improve or learn new skills.
  • Access resources for online education and job searches.
  • For assistance, call or contact the Digital Services Contact Center.
  • Request financial assistance for work needs like police checks and obtaining micro-credentials like white cards.

What Kind Of Assistance Do Workforce Australia Providers Offer?

You can qualify for expanded Workforce Australia Services if you need more assistance from Employment Services or another provider.

You also receive the majority of Workforce Australia Online’s assistance in addition to:

  • When feasible, face-to-face and in-person help from a professional job adviser
  • Youth Jobs PaTH Internships and a strengthened National Work Experience Program provide access to possibilities for work experience.
  • Join Work for the Dole for a chance to learn new skills and earn micro-credentials.


Workforce Australia providers will assist you in assisting those who are most in need. Providers offer extensive and individualised case management to help people locate and maintain meaningful employment.

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