Email deliverability: what you can do to make sure the email is read by the customer


Often a company strives to ensure that an email to a customer or potential customer is not rejected by a spam filter but reaches the email inbox 100%. However, this is only part of the task. What really matters is another parameter, namely email deliverability, which is what the experts at Reply evaluated. Email deliverability is not just about getting the email to the email inbox, it’s about getting it to the inbox, where the user can make choices about that email.

What should be done to improve deliverability – trends

ISPs are concerned about the reliability of the domain and IP address used for mailings. Before any email is delivered to the consumer, they conduct what is called a “reputation check.” This check finds out the purpose of the mailing and its focus:

  • unwanted messages;
  • unlawful harassment;
  • attempt to obtain an improper benefit.

If robot-evaluation mailers judge the message to be deceptive or self-serving, deliverability will suffer greatly.

To avoid such a fate, you must focus on building the right reputation from the first steps in your email newsletter.

Specific steps to improve deliverability and address reputation

The first tip is to only send emails to users who want to receive them from your crm system or have given indirect consent to do so. But don’t bombard the user with messages if they are silent or don’t respond with their response. If a user marks such a mailing as spam to delete it from his mailbox, this is very bad news. Even a few such requests are enough to significantly damage the reputation of the domain and block you in future campaigns no matter what DNS server is used.

The second tip is to create a simple and transparent unsubscribe mechanism. This may seem counterintuitive. After all, the company has worked so hard and so hard to get people to subscribe. And now you have to let go of the received customer. But really, it’s the best solution. If there are hundreds of these people on the mailing list, and they don’t interact now, the likelihood that they will communicate in the future is close to zero.

If removal from the mailing list is difficult or even unavailable, sooner or later they will move that mailing list into the spam category. And then there will be the same effect with a drastic lowering of the address status.

Moreover, when evaluating reputation, ISPs pay attention to whether people interact with the emails of the company sending the mailing list. If they never open these emails, then the status of the box will also gradually decline.

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