Parking Stops: What to Know


The parking lots found in modern society’s urbanization benefit different groups of people, and therefore their interests. Some of them are: merchants, real estate owners, taxi drivers, emergency vehicles, public transport vehicles, private parking lots, parking lots in housing units, parking lots in neighborhood complexes, parking lots in shopping centers, parking lots in industrial parks, and business parking lots.

The parking can be divided into two groups: parking on public roads and closed parking. The latter is represented by delimited areas or closed parks and parking buildings with speed bumps Unimat.

Studies on parking determine the relationship between the supply and demand of the space assigned by each vehicle and thus be able to propose recommendations to maximize the use of available spaces and plan new parking areas for the best distribution of the assigned places. For vehicles, and also know the number of parking stops that will be used. In this way, the Parking Stops’ function will serve to determine the limits of parking areas and limits for vehicle drawers.

Parking Studies Are Conducted For Two Specific Purposes:

  • Establish space requirements for parking (delimiting the areas with signs and stops for parking that help to delimit the size that corresponds by vehicle.
  • Verify the status of the service provided to the community.

The type of parking must be established according to the angle they form with the direction of road flow, the demarcation of spaces using car stops. The identification will allow us to determine the offer of space and the road limitations that we have for the spaces assigned for vehicles, determining the sizes and type of cars that will use the parking lot. The offer is related to the unit parking area and current regulations.

Demand for parking spaces is determined by the type of vehicles parked in the planned area for parking at different times on a typical day. The permanence allows us to establish a general aspect of the demand since it does not allow us to know the user’s trip destination, which means that we do not see the degree of satisfaction achieved. This can be solved if, in parallel, we survey the destination of the users.

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