Protecting Your House and Business Against the Threat of Hacking : Here’s How You Can Do It


Cyber awareness is quite necessary in these times when companies are adopting more and more digital means to continue their business. It clearly means that there’s an urgent need that the cyber security practices need to advance just as swiftly as the companies are incorporating new technology into their work system. In the lapse of proper precautions, hackers will easily be able to launch cyber-attacks – using malware, viruses, ransomware, phishing, and so on – on unprotected systems. In fact, the data that’s been given out by reputable journals like the wall street journal reveal some disturbing details as listed below. 

It’s expected that by the end of the year 2020, there’ll be more than:

  • 240 % increase in cyber-attacks via partners, customers, and vendors.
  • 140 % increase in cyber-attacks on the supply chain industry.

In fact, the current trend that companies and consumers are following shows that there’ll be an increase in internet users by 80%. So, if all those users and devices will go unprotected, clearly, hackers will be able cause a damage of thousands and millions of dollars. 

Having said that, it’s quite evidential that everybody – vendors, customers, internet users, online merchants, IT developers, companies, staff, employers, and every other person on the internet – needs to follow strict cyber hygiene habits that cyber security experts suggest. 

We have listed below a couple of those habits that will certainly be helpful. Have a look. 

  1. Password Guidelines 

A strong password is one of the few first habits that discourage hackers to a very large extent. Some tips to make sure that your password does the job correctly are given below. 

For customers and internet users on IoT devices:

  • Make sure the password you use is a combination of unique letters, symbols, and numbers. 
  • Make sure that it’s at least 8 -12 characters long. 
  • Don’t use simple names of cities, date of birth, and other common things that are guessable. 

For Companies:

  • Enforce the usage of MFA and 2FA password types for employees. 
  • Make sure employees do not use the company’s system to access their personal emails. 
  1. System and Router Security

Whether it’s the protection of the router at home or the router at office, make sure that they are password protected. Also, make sure that you install apps that keep a track of the IP addresses of the authorized devices. 

About the systems:

  • Ensure that you install a firewall. 
  • Ensure that you install an antivirus.
  • Ensure that you do not click on suspicious links and websites that your antivirus suggest against. 

All in all, you can reduce cyber-attacks on your company and home by simply following basic cyber hygiene practices. 

You can also learn more about such practices at security firms like Hikvision here,

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