Top 3 social Media app in China 


What are the Facebook of China, Twitter of China and Whatsapp of China? With regards to the most famous and utilized online life and systems administration stages in China, there are three significant players that you should know. They are WeChat, QQ and Weibo. They are so amazing and well known that knowing these three web based life stages alone would give you a decent comprehension of online long range informal communication in China. 

For the individuals who don’t as of now have a clue, worldwide interpersonal interaction locales and applications, for example, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest are obstructed in China.* 


It would be significantly simpler in the event that we could basically depict this across the board incredible application as the Facebook of China or the Whatsapp of China. Be that as it may, it’s difficult to make any kind of examination in light of the fact that no different applications or destinations have the biological system and blend of highlights as WeChat (otherwise called Weixin in China). 

WeChat is incredibly well known and it has arrived at 1 billion month to month dynamic clients after the 2018 Chinese New Year. The following is a diagram demonstrating the application’s client development in the course of recent years. 


  • Texting (content, voice and video) 
  • WeChat Moments: enables clients to view contacts’ most recent updates by means of Facebook style course of events 
  • Sweep QR codes, read top stories, scan for news and articles, send cash to your loved ones, visit with outsiders close by or who are shaking their telephones simultaneously as you, shop on the web, play web based games, pay for products and ventures in both on the web and disconnected shops. 
  • WeChat Official Account: enables organizations and people to draw in with their supporters. You can likewise interface an internet business store to your WeChat Official Account. 
  • Services: for instance, request takeaway, book a flight or lease a vehicle by propelling smaller than usual projects inside the WeChat application. 

WeChat is progressively utilized for work purposes. Over 57.2% of WeChat clients (who were met by Penguin Intelligence) said the vast majority of their new WeChat contacts are business related. Over 80% of them have utilized WeChat for business related issues, including gatherings, moving cash, accepting/sending records and liaising with partners. 


Weibo is a microblogging stage established in 2009 by Sina. Weibo is outstanding outside of China on account of its similitude with Twitter. As of June 2017, Weibo really has more month to month dynamic clients than Twitter. 

Nonetheless, the street for Weibo was not all smooth and effective in light of wild challenge from different stages. In Dec 2013, Weibo just had 129 million month to month dynamic clients. 

While trying to recapture its pertinence, it coordinated short video and live spilling capacities to help client numbers. It likewise framed a key organization with Alibaba to investigate social trade and showcasing arrangements, and to encourage collaboration between dealers on Alibaba’s foundation and Weibo clients. 


  • Feed: make and offer feeds 
  • Patterns and Discovery Zone: find most recent drifting points 
  • E-commerce 
  • Weibo Wallet, Messenger, web based games, short recordings, live spilling and instructive feeds 

How To Use Weibo For Business

  • Set up a Weibo venture record to associate with your supporters with drawing in and intelligent substance. Download Page applications on Weibo’s foundation to complete advertising and advancement exercises, installment handling and promotion battles. Organizations can offer “red envelopes” and drawings to fabricate client steadfastness. 
  • Use pennants over your Weibo page to divert clients to your official site or web based business accomplices. 
  • Show and offer items to clients on Weibo 
  • Publicizing: Social Display Ads (to divert clients to a sponsor’s Weibo page), Promoted Feeds, Promoted Accounts, and Promoted Trends. 

Interesting points For Both WeChat And Weibo 

It tends to be costly and tedious to keep up a WeChat authority record or Weibo account as you’ll have to make connecting with content in Chinese to keep and pull in new adherents. This may include procuring Chinese representatives or working with an organization. 

There are 10 million WeChat authority records out there (3.5 million month to month dynamic ones as of Sept 2017) and innumerable Weibo accounts. Just setting up an online life account on WeChat or Weibo won’t change a lot of except if you are as of now well known in China. To stick out, you must be set up to do some promoting to publicize your internet based life accounts. One basic route is to work with influencers (additionally called KOL in China) to advance your records. You can likewise utilize the adverting arrangements of WeChat and Weibo to advance your record. 


QQ resembles WeChat’s senior sibling. It has been broadly utilized in China since 1999, 12 years before WeChat was established. QQ is extremely mainstream among youthful clients matured 21 years or underneath. 


  • Texting (content, voice and video) 
  • Qzone: a Facebook style individual page to share refreshes, photographs and recordings 
  • Gatherings, talk gatherings, stockpiling, amusement situated substance, for example, news channels, writing, kid’s shows, live spilling, QQ music and short recordings. 
  • Different highlights incorporate decorating devices, face swap impacts, painting-styled photographs, video talk channels and energized video stickers have been acquainted with make visiting and sharing increasingly fun. 
  • QQ Official Accounts: official records that enable you to distribute new substance and interface with you devotees. 

Why QQ Is More Popular Among Young Users 

You have to possess a cell phone and telephone number to utilize WeChat. Few out of every odd youngster, particularly understudies, claims a cell phone so it bodes well for them to utilize QQ. 

To abstain from utilizing a similar online life instrument, for example WeChat, as their folks. Some youthful clients have both WeChat and QQ yet they more often than not share their updates, photographs and recordings on QQ as it were. 

QQ and Qzone have more energetic and excitement capacities than WeChat. QQ supports vivified selfie channels, customized symbols, photograph correcting and numerous other amusement arranged element. A commonplace client may finish their Qzone, check the quantities of guests, play internet games, read online books, pursue intriguing gatherings/subjects, observe short and live recordings, utilize the capacity capacities and hotshot their ‘jewel status’.







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