Top Functions Of ATS Software That Enable Speedier Recruitment


An ATS System or Application Tracking System is a reliable tool that enables faster and seamless recruiting of right candidates for various openings in an organization. This system performs several functions to help HR executive perform the recruitment process in a well-coordinated manner. These functions are:

  1. Recruitment appeal designing: A good start is half battle won. You can achieve that good a start by having recruitment appeal templates. The applicant tracking or talent acquisition tool stores for you appeals designed in the past and also allows you exploring new ideas.
  2. Interview process management: An event like interview can become a success only when there is a flawless coordination among all the agencies involved. The performance management software with its recruitment section allows you to keep all the agencies in loop and carry out the interview process smoothly and smartly.
  3. Offer letter intimation: Once the selection part is over, the candidates’ quick onboarding is very important. The documents involved in the process can be collected and stored in a secured format in an ATS tool. This further saves the efforts required for document collection, etc. You can also intimate correctly about the joining date and keep all reminders activated till the time the candidate has taken over the charge of the profile given to him.
  4. Induction and training: With the help of formal induction and training support provided in an ATS software, the HR person can ensure that the candidate has known the company as required. Putting in each and every activity in a system allows you going back to the records and find if all formalities are complete.

Thus, you can make the candidates as well as the company comfortable with each other by striking the right chord. HR management software helps in this process by providing a trusted tool for documenting and referring. 

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