7 Myths about a Website for Your Small Business 


Google is the #1 search engine in the world and is used by far for most internet searches.Some of those searches might be for your company or for a company that does what your company does.  To get found in Google, you need a website.   And for those customers who already know your company name, the way they will find out about your business is by going to your website.

Where are you located?  What is your phone number?  Do you sell… whatever it is they are looking to buy? What are your hours?  Do you have modified hours or procedures due to COVID-19?    More and more, people are seeking answers via Google instead of by phone.  Why not make it easy for them?

The biggest reason for having a website is that consumers and their expectations have changed and now they expect a website.  It’s okay to say your business is “old school” when asked about a website but often, a business without a website seems “less than” when compared to competitors that do have websites.  It can be a generational thing too.  While people who were born before the ubiquity of the internet might pick up the phone and call for information, those born in the internet age are more likely to use your company website.  The latter demographic is growing and the former is shrinking.  Make your business easy for your new customers to find.

Many small businesses have avoided having a website for a variety of reasons, not all of them good.  Landau Consulting, a web development company in New Jersey, has published a list of 7 myths about small business websites in the following infographic.

It might be the cost; it might be the effort.  It might be concerns over security.  Websites do not cost nearly what they used to and the technology available makes them easy, fast, and efficient for customers.

A good NJ small business web design company can help you understand the details of creating a compelling and effective website, even if your business is located outside of NJ.  They will guide you through the whole process from design to launch, much like a good contractor will guide you through a home renovation or construction project.

It is time to act!  So contact Landau Consulting today to get started on your new or improved company website.


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